Managing conflict

Managing conflict

Conflict is everywhere and although it can be unpleasant sometimes, it is an inevitable and in fact necessary part of life.  It starts with toddlers not wanting to share toys and can end with bereaved families unable to agree on the division of a deceased estate.  And...
The Intake Process

The Intake Process

Some clients may find the intake process frustrating and tedious.  However, the intake process is the most important part of any dispute resolution process, and its value should never be underestimated.  Intake serves many purposes, including:  The chance to tell your...
Have you been excluded from your grandchildren’s lives?

Have you been excluded from your grandchildren’s lives?

Have you found yourself excluded from your grandchildren’s lives? You’re not alone.  Sadly it is becoming more common in separated families for grandchildren to lose contact with their grandparents often causing hurt, dismay and feelings of loss, abandonment and...