About Ruth Chowdhury

Ruth is a lawyer and the Founder and Principal of Abridge Mediation.  Ruth practises as a Collaborative Coach, Parenting Coordinator, Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner, and Nationally Accredited Mediator.  Ruth founded Abridge Mediation to help separated families find another way to resolve issues in a timely, cost effective manner without the need for court.

With a background in the law of legal costs, and as an Approved Cost Assessor for the Queensland Courts, Ruth is well aware of the financial cost of litigation.  Having mediated hundreds of family matters, Ruth is also well aware of the physical and emotional effect of conflict and the permanent damage it can cause families, particularly children.  As an FDRP, Parenting Coordinator and Collaborative Coach, Ruth is well placed to provide strategies and support around conflict resolution and the importance of effective communication in separated families.

Ruth manages the mediation, parenting coordination and collaborative processes with compassion and empathy.  Ruth is non-judgemental, neutral and neither condemns nor condones.  Ruth is here to support you to have a productive conversation in which all sides are heard and acknowledged so you can avoid the financial, psychological and emotional costs that come with a long court battle.

Ruth has undertaken significant training in the following areas:

  • Family domestic violence
  • Coercive control
  • Supporting clients with mental health concerns, including depression and suicidality
  • Supporting clients who identify as culturally and linguistically diverse, including Indigenous and Torres Strait Islander Australians
  • Supporting client’s who identify as LBGTIQ+ and trans, gender diverse and non binary
  • Understanding the needs of adults and children who identify as or are neuro diverse
Ruth welcomes and supports diversity, and enjoys working with all families to help them reach agreement, reduce conflict, improve communication, and achieve their goals and dreams moving forwards for the benefit of their children and each other.

Ruth’s qualifications include:

  • Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner
  • Nationally Accredited Mediator
  • Parenting Coordinator
  • Collaborative Coach
  • Lawyer
  • Approved Costs Assessor for the Queensland courts

Ruth is a member of the following organisations:

  • Resolution Institute
  • Australian Mediation Association
  • International Association of Collaborative Practitioners
  • Australian Association of Collaborative Practitioners
  • Queensland Association of Collaborative Practitioners
  • Parenting Coordination Australia
  • Family Law Practitioners Association (Qld)
  • Association of Therapeutic Family Law Professionals
  • Family Law Pathways Network

When not helping other families, Ruth enjoys spending time with her own family and friends, learning new things, visiting new places and meeting new people.  Ruth also enjoys classical music, cooking new recipes and, if time and tiredness permit, reading books without falling asleep after the first chapter.

Ruth Chowdhury, Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner


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